Deadly Pleasures is America's premier fan-oriented mystery magazine. In it and on this site we celebrate all that is good about the mystery genre AND point you to the best in crime fiction.
DP #80 is now available. The cover article is on Reed
Farrel Coleman
and DP Contributors'
Favorite Reads 2015-2016 + more

Click on cover photo below to see a PDF file of Issue #54 with a wonderful overview of Scandinavian crime fiction. I won't be doing this with every issue, but this will give newcomers a chance to see exactly what we do. If you want to print it off, I figure it costs about $1.00 in paper and a little toner if you have a laser printer. You'll use up a lot of ink if you have an ink-jet printer, so be advised. It's a large file so it may take a few seconds to download. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer to do this. If you don't have Acrobat it's a free download from many sites -- just google it.
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